Black Cat Oil is a condition oil designed to increase personal power, intuition, protection, stealth, luck, and aids in the removal of stronger negative attachments, energies, and entities.
Traditionally this oil is used to break negative conditions from ambient or directed sources and provides additional protection through heightened awareness and intuition. It can be sprinkled at the entrances of the home to break and remove malefic influences, used to anoint candles, as well as a defensive methodology in boundary setting.
Additionally, black cat oil is a condition reversing oil, thus those experiencing negative conditions can work with this oil to influence conditions and intentions to manifest in their favor.
This oil is ritually fixed and contains thirteen herbs and curios which include, Iron Filings, Sage, Black Cat Hair, Frankincense, Anise Seeds, Black Snake Root, Devil’s Shoestring, Steel Wool—among others. Additionally, the master vile was crafted with a black cat bone* curio according to the cyprianic tradition.
* No animals were harmed while producing this product. All animal curios are sourced naturally, while respecting and honoring our animal familiars.