Shokubutsu Reiki


Shokubutsu Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that combines the principles of Reiki with the energy and sentient wisdom of plant spirit allies and medicine. This technique emphasizes the importance of attuning with plant spirit allies to empower the practice of Reiki with unique healing symbols, talismans, and amulets.

Shokubutsu Reiki involves the cooperation, resonance, and tutelary guidance of plants and plant spirits to enhance the flow of Reiki energy imbued with their unique constituents of specific plants, herbs, and tree prana or chi during a healing session. The practitioner works within the energic and practical aspects of the plants to promote healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit of the recipient.

The use of plant spirit allies and medicine is essential to the practice of Shokubutsu Reiki. Plants have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties and have been used in many cultures for healing purposes. The energy of plants can be used to promote healing, balance and vitality among gifts within the body, mind, and spirit.

One of the main purposes of Shokubutsu Reiki is to create a deeper connection with nature and the energy of the universe through the tangible means of attuning with plant spirit allies through olfactory and spiritual experiences. Through these methodologies, practitioners can connect with the natural world and gain specific insight and wisdom from the plant spirits to create alternative forms of balance, healing, and vitality.

The use of plant spirit allies and medicine can also enhance the flow of Reiki energy during a healing session. The energy and gifts of the plants can help to remove blockages and imbalances within the body, allowing the recipient's natural healing abilities to take over.

To practice Shokubutsu Reiki, the practitioner must first attune themselves to the energy of the plants. This can be done through meditation, communing in nature with specific plants, herbs, and trees, through pathworking or dream magick, chanting, calling or singing the hidden name of a plant, consuming the constituents of herbs and plants through infusions essential oils, decoctions, and plant spirit symbols and sigils to gain insight, power, and wisdom from them.

Shokubutsu Reiki is a powerful healing technique that combines the principles of Reiki with the energy of plant spirit allies and medicine. This technique emphasizes the importance of attuning with plant spirit allies to enhance the flow of Reiki energy during a healing session. The use of plant spirit allies and medicine can help to promote healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit of the recipient. By connecting with nature and the energy of the universe through plant spirit allies, practitioners of Shokubutsu Reiki can deepen their connection with the natural world and provide their clients with a more profound healing experience.

Reiki healing is effective alternative method of healing for:

  • Headaches
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Re-balancing the Energy Centers of the Body
  • Reducing Blood Pressure
  • Restoration of Spirit
  • Promoting Natural Healing
  • Stimulating the Immune System
  • Clearing Negative Energy and Re-balancing Environmental Energy

At the Saint & Sorcerer Healing Center we offer various types of healing sessions and Shokubutsu Reiki Attunements for those who wish to learn the art of this healing practice.

We will contact you after your purchase to schedule your appoint in our reiki center or through distance work.